Guide your robots and productivity

Whether it’s unloading a pallet at the very beginning of your manufacturing process, automating and optimizing critical applications in your paint shop, or loading closures and verifying build quality just before the final product rolls out the door … AutoGuide offers a consistent, reliable, and flexible solution for all your 3D Robot Guidance needs.

At a time with so little room for error, manufacturers worldwide are turning to Perceptron’s AutoGuide 3D Robot Guidance solutions to drive their mission-critical assembly operations and help them decrease the costs inherent to manual operations, ensure safety by automating hazardous tasks, and reduce the investment of required tooling and fixtures.

Automated Robot Guidance Solution for Automotive Glass Load Application

Why Perceptron Robot Guidance Solution?

Reliable 3D Data

Insensitive to ambient light and dirty parts, Perceptron sensors are robust and produce reliable 3D data. Sensors are also factory calibrated and rectified so they ship ready to measure.


Non-contact, laser triangulation measurement - in conjunction with our advance algorithm suite - allows us to deliver a level of definition and exactness that is simply impossible with other, less capable technology.

Complex Operations

Our visual fixturing engine enables offsetting up to 6 degrees-of-freedom while also allowing the user to prioritize key customer-centric metrics utilizing anchor points, over-weighting, and custom relationship-based fixturing schemes.

Closed-Loop Feedback

Instant dimensional feedback and automatically generated offsets allow for effective process correction, control and optimization.

Extensive Robot and PLC Interface Library

Perceptron works with every major PLC and robot manufacturer to deliver easy-to-use, supportable, Robot Guidance solutions. Our versatility ensures you can use the robot and PLC of your choice.

Challenging Materials

Industry-leading sensors and advance algorithms accurately measure across the entire color spectrum.
Hundreds of Active Installations

Perceptron AutoGuideMT De-Racking Solution


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Want to discuss your Robot Guidance application?

Contact us and we will work together to find a solution.